Toxic Relationships

Have you ever walked through the shadows of a relationship that felt more like a storm than a sanctuary? I have, and the echoes of those experiences linger in the recesses of my soul. Toxic relationships are like storms—destructive, unpredictable, and often leaving behind wreckage that takes time to rebuild.

I've danced with toxicity, a subtle poison that seeped into the cracks of my well-being. At first, it's almost imperceptible, a faint whisper that something isn't right. But as time unfolds, the toxicity reveals itself in the form of manipulation, control, and a slow erosion of self-worth.

The hardest part? Recognizing that the very person you yearn for solace from is the source of your distress. It's a journey of awakening, of peeling back the layers of denial and bravely facing the truth—that not all connections are meant to nurture, and some are destined to teach us the hardest lessons.


On Letting Go


Change for the Better